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Thank you.

On March 19th were faced with many unexpected changes due to the pandemic. Pantry distributions increased quickly to meet the need, at our highest serving 3,800 individuals weekly. Packing and distributing around 30,000 pounds of food every week for 15 weeks, totaling 417,969 pounds of food since the middle of March. Second Harvest Food Bank of North Central Ohio worked hard to connect us to the additional food and resources we needed. National Guard were brought in to help serve. Our amazing community officers stepped in even more than they already do. 6,725 service hours contributed over the last 3.5 months. In addition to pantries- 7800 dinner bags distributed with sandusky lunches. 53 birthday bags delivered. 12 Sunday Funday parades. Kalahari Resorts partnered to feed an extra 500 individuals for four weeks. 500 Chick-fil-A Sandusky meals gifted. 600 slices of Domino's Pizza. 6,000 The Chef's Garden produce boxes and more to come. And so, SO many other gracious business and individual donations as well as the increased relief support from our community foundarions. We are not surprised by our community’s commitment to care for one another, but we are blessed to be reminded of it in the best ways possible every week. Each gift unique and every act of kindness an answer to prayer. Thank you, thank you! Tonight was the last drive-through style pantry at Strobel Field. We look forward to returning to our typical mobile pantry events (in the parks) beginning next Thursday, July 2nd! We will go live and make additional posts this week with more details. We fix our eyes forward on what more we can do together. #cantstop #wontstop #peoplehelpingpeople #everybodyeats #foodonthemove



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