Project Happy Countdown!
Project Happy countdown! All boxes are due to a school or drop spot TOMORROW (12/17). See below for drop spot locations. If you haven’t already signed up to deliver and are interested, click here: Mandatory DELIVERY MEETING THIS WEDNESDAY (12/18) 6-7pm at Faith Memorial Church 1320 E strub rd. Can’t wait to see all of these faces and some new ones soon! #loveinaction #projecthappy
Erie County: Huron City Schools, Perkins Local Schools, Edison Local School District, Barra Restaurant Sandusky, Starbucks, Mikey's FROYO, Huron Police Association, Faith Memorial Church
Huron County: Sheri's Coffee House, Fawcett Tax and Accounting, Kenilee Lanes, @huron county sherrif’s office, Old Soul Woodworking, Wakeman Police Department, @willard enrichment center