Halloween Parade Alert!
Guess what??!? One more FUNDAY PARADE coming at ya!! TOMORROW (10/31) OHgo Halloween parade will be traveling these streets and stopping at some events. Join us at any of the community events listed, feel free to park your car and get out and dance OR if you’re home please step outside your door to dance, wave, and get some candy! #thisishalloween #candy #dancing
11-1pm City of Sandusky Recreation Department downtown trick-or-treat and thriller dance led by the OHgo truck
1.20-1.35 Gartland Ave
1.40-1.50 Sanford st.-Wilbert-Wilson
1.55-2.10 MacArthur Park (Forest Dr)
2.10-2.40 Camp-W Adams- Decatur- Bell St-Campbell- Columbus- E Park st- Monroe- Hancock-Reese- Meigs- Third st- Farewell
2.40-3.10 Sunnyside (Orlando pace park area)-Remington- E Oldgate- Fox Run Trail- Pioneer Trail
3.15-3.30 Faith Church (1320 e Strub rd) Great Pumpkin Bash drive thru event
3:35-4:05 Perkins: Michigan Ave, Ohio Terrace, Linden Way, Birchwood, Buckeye Ln, Kelley Ln, Donair, Gildona, Columbus
4.10-4.35 West Chester Estates (Lynn Dr, Sweetbriar, Mulberry)