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Fresh Friday!

Three things: 1- tonight was awesome 😎 2- TOMORROW is Fresh Friday! Come to OHgo (2304 E Perkins Ave) from 10-12:30 for a box of fresh produce. Thank you@the chefs garden and @hahns farm for sharing! 3- We may be unsure of a lot of things in life right now, but one thing we’ve always been sure of is that we want to help each other get through it. Even though we’ve been able to continue sharing food in a safe way, we definitely miss the personal interaction! We love hearing from you, the small chats in line, asking about your family, and the jokes of course. This is an invitation to message us at OHgo! :) Tell us how things have been. We can stay safe and stay connected! #everybodyeats #foodonthemove #peoplehelpingpeople #goforgood



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