Flowers 🌸
You helped us plant the flower fence this past Fall, in the middle of a time that seemed full of confusion and difficulty. It was just one thing we could think to do in anticipation of a better tomorrow- plant a seed of hope. We knew seeing the first blooms, come Spring, would be so refreshing after the season we all had been through. What we didn’t process at the time, is that the daffodils would surely be the first to sprout. It’s always one of the very first to bloom just after the winter months. Did you know that’s why it’s used to symbolize strength, overcoming obstacles, and new beginnings. We have a little ways to go until the flower fence will have enough blooms for picking, but as you drive by be reminded that the winter is over and you are an overcomer! ❤️ #flowerfence #cutyourown #community #newbeginnings
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