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Cooking with Kuns Debut!

Tonight enough food was distributed to make 10,053 meals! And we are so excited that one of our volunteers loves to cook as much as we love to eat! ;) After each pantry we will post a “Cooking with Kuns” video where Becki will use a couple items distributed at the pantry and show you a fun recipe to make using those ingredients! Tonight she shows us how to use the pork loin and bbq sauce given out to make bomb bbq pulled pork sandwiches!! If you have other ideas or quick recipes using foods you know are shared at the pantries, please share in the comments and give Becki a shout out!! 💕💕🙌🏼 ALSO, REMINDER!!! Tomorrow is FRESH FRIDAY!! All our welcome to stop by the ohgo warehouse (2304 e Perkins Ave) between 10-12:30 for a box of fresh produce and any other small quantities of goodies we may get our hands on by then. Please don’t arrive early or contest traffic. See you soon! #eatfresh #cookingwithkuhns #wearecommunity #peoplehelpingpeople



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